
Our gofundme Campaign!!!

This is to help us cover all the expenses that come with having to leave on short notice such as rent, legal fees, and moving costs.

Save Loophole – Sign Our Petition!

Loophole at Boddinstr. 60 has been shut down by Ordnungsamt due to permit issues and rising rent. After 15 years of hosting maybe the most concerts in Berlin and nurturing a vibrant underground DIY Artscene, we need your help to continue this journey at a new location.

Why Your Signature Matters:

  • Protect Cultural Diversity: Small venues like Loophole are essential for maintaining Berlin’s unique cultural fabric. Without them, the city loses its creative soul.
  • Support Emerging Artists: Loophole has been a launchpad for new talent. Your signature helps ensure that up-and-coming artists continue to have a stage.
  • Fight Gentrification: Rising rents and shutdowns are erasing Berlin’s underground culture. Show officials that the community values and needs spaces like Loophole supported also by the City.
  • Preserve a Legacy: With over 10,000 artists and 5,000 concerts, Loophole has been a cornerstone of the local music scene. Help us protect this rich history.

Our Achievements:

  • Over 5,000 concerts with 10,000+ artists.
  • 40,000+ followers on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Uncountable guests, we love you all
  • Created and Hosted the beloved Boddinale Film Festival for 5 years.

But despite all the above challenges, we are ready to fight and we want to continue our mission in a new, suitable space.

By signing our petition, you help us demonstrate to officials the critical need for venues like Loophole in Berlin.

How You Can Help:

  1. Sign the Petition: Show your support for finding a new home for Loophole.
  2. Share the Petition: Amplify our message by sharing it with your community.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s keep the dream alive and preserve Berlin’s cultural diversity!



Dearest Loopers,

We have also opened a comment section below, where we would love to hear your Loophole stories. Share your memories, anecdotes, and thoughts on our impact on you or the scene.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Your favorite concert or performance at Loophole
  • A memorable interaction with an artist or band
  • How Loophole influenced your music or artistic journey
  • Special events or festivals you attended at Loophole
  • Friendships or connections you made through Loophole
  • Any behind-the-scenes moments that stood out to you

Please remember to be polite and respectful. Any racist, inappropriate, or hateful comments will be deleted.

Feel free to share your unique experiences and let’s celebrate the amazing community we’ve built together!


  1. 06/10/2024

    Mysimba – Quick and Easy Weight Lass

    Mysimba is a medicine used along with diet and exercise to help manage weight in adults:

    who are obese (have a body-mass index – BMI – of 30 or more);
    who are overweight (have a BMI between 27 and 30) and have weight-related complications such as diabetes, abnormally high levels of fat in the blood, or high blood pressure.
    BMI is a measurement that indicates body weight relative to height.

    Mysimba contains the active substances naltrexone and bupropion.

  2. 18/08/2024

    One night, that creep stealing a 20 Euro bill out of the donation bucket while failing at looking inconspicuous doing so was actually pretty hilarious. And that old bald fat guy with glasses, making antisemitic remarks about the experimental music that Scotty was playing on that night added a certain earthy, exotic flavour, too..

    Dear M. „J.“ aka GI,
    if you‘re reading this I want you to know that I think that it‘s a shame how things turned out. But we both know that we had to move on. I hope you‘re doing well.

  3. I remember playing at Loophole a couple of times about 12 years ago. I would bring my baby and have her sleep downstairs in the basement while I played. Or we’d come to see a show with her and I’d put her down on the sofa. It felt like the safest place, still does. I still come to Loophole, cause it never stopped being a good vibe. It’s sad to see it go from that location, but also, the next location is gonna be epic, it will!!

  4. X22vet

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  5. X22vet

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  6. Pascal G.

    What a time that will be forever remembered! <3

    See you soon in the new location!

  7. Anonymous

    What a shame you’re closing. I will never forget the night Lias Saoudi was playing, one of the greatest artists alive.

  8. Project Icarus NOISE

    Years ago, when I discovered Loophole I thought: If one day I’ll have a music project of mine, this place is the first I want to play in, I want to debut here and do crazy shit.
    And then, 2023: I debut with my solo harsh-noise project. Where? Of course, Loophole. I was super happy, and I’m very disappointed about what happened.
    I hope you guys find another place. It’s the vibe, not only the space itself, remember.
    Long live Loophole! Down with what is happening in the real art scene in Berlin!

  9. Luke D

    So many weird and wonderful experiences at Loophole over the years. A massively needed haven for eclectic and underground music in the city.

  10. 23/07/2024

    Back on 2017 I was doing my exchange semester at art school in Berlin. My friend had told me about this legendary place, Loophole, before coming to Berlin, and I wanted to visit. A great underground female noise artist, Waterflower was playing at the venue and a friend from school who was opening for her encourage me and classmates to go. It was so amazing for me to see them performing in this cozy mysterious space. Both artists really blew my mind as they were not just singing, but also making their electronic music live (waterflower was using piezzos attached to plants at the time), also doing heir own visuals and merch. I was so impacted and left so motivated and inspired and Loophole stayed in my heart forever

  11. 23/07/2024

    Back on 2017 I was doing my exchange semester at art school in Berlin. My friend had told me about this legendary place, Loophole, before coming to Berlin, and I wanted to visit. A great underground female noise artist, Waterflower was playing at the venue and a friend from school who was opening for her encourage me and classmates to go. It was so amazing for me to see them performing in this cozy mysterious space. Both artists really blew my mind as they were not just singing, but also making their electronic music live (waterflower was using piezzos attached to plants at the time), also doing heir own visuals and merch. I was so impacted and left so motivated and inspired and Loophole stayed in my heart forever.

  12. Anonymous

    Lawns in the basement in 2022 was one of my first nights in Berlin. The place was just dripping with culture, community and love that I didn’t experience in any other venue before. Everyone I spoke to had a deep appreciation for loophole and loads of artists of all identities were platformed there. Loophole connects the audience and the performers in ways other places don’t. Save Loophole.

  13. Alex

    Protect DIY spaces at all costs!

  14. Oscar

    Came to Berlin knowing pretty much no-one. This place bought me out my shell with wonderful staff and awesome music. Please save loophole ❤️

  15. Anonymous


  16. Tekkno_J

    Many good nights and great gigs i had there. Sorry to see it go! An invaluable hub for Berlin’s vibrant music scene, It championed the underground scene and a great sense of community. Its absence will serve as a reminder of the cultural erosion caused by continued strict policing and neighbor complaints, highlighting the urgent need to preserve – one of a kinnd – Berlin’s artistic soul.

  17. Anonymous

    Many a nights spent there, many encounters, dances, drops of sweats….
    Very inclusive, an “insider” feeling while being open to anyone willing to join the vortex, the loophole. So long, my friend!

  18. Mo

    I went there for the first time two weeks ago. It immediately felt like home. So I decided to come again as soon as possible. Sadly, I read today that it has been closed down! We should all try to save it somehow!

  19. Christian

    This was the kind of place you could just swing by late afternoon and check what’s up, usually friends of the bands was at the door and of course positive and inviting. Could be anything really, loved that.

    I remember once there was a broken stand so someone spent the entire show holding a spotlight above here head for the artist. That’s exactly the kind of people I want to be around!

  20. Anonymous

    Loophole help the musical industry by promote experimental and little artist

  21. Andrea

    Loophole was home during my period in Berlin and nothing changed during the years.
    Safe place with an amazing cultural scene.

  22. Cymbaline (NL)

    We played at Loophole in May and had a great time, met a lot of nice people. Such a cool venue, would be a waste to see it go!

  23. Anonymous

    I watched the love of my life dance the night away in her magical way, before I even knew she liked me too.
    The Loophole always held a special place in my heart, as one of those Berlin locations that defy all logic.

  24. Hetta

    I have done so many things at Loophole;
    Filmed a documentary, music videos, fiction, I have partied like crazy, been inspired, seen films, met people, seen gigs that blew my mind. For all the Neukölln kids it was a safe haven and I am so sad to see it go even tho I have moved away from Berlin by now. The future kids need a place like this. Berlin is not the same without Loophole. Thank you Jan!

  25. Tyler

    Loophole was a lot of fun to play. Good memories and a shame they are getting shut down.

  26. Anonymous

    Cant have anything nice in this city 🙁

  27. Matt Johnson

    Put on a show there for mine and other bands. It is a place that breathes life and culture in to neukolln and berlin. Wouldn’t know where to start without that venue.

  28. Matt

    Boo: Gentrification
    Yay: Culture

  29. Val

    i went to berlin on january and i found loophole a great bar similar to the under culture of buenos aires, hope this place keep helping the under culture of berlin

  30. alona

    i love loophole so much, it never disappoints!! not only as a place for music and to come see interesting small and upcoming, local or international artists and musicians of all sorts- loophole has also always come through for me as the place to go to to connect and find community of likeminded and kind people. I always discribed the place to friends as a bar that feels like a good houseparty, in a way, where you dont feel too much like a stranger coming in even if you ‘know no one’ and you always leave feeling a sense of belonging of sorts; feeling like you had a good and fulfilling night, sharing at times simple and other times really lovely and greatmoments, conversations and connections with people. its a really special place and I believe it constitutes a cornerstone of Berlin’s music and (sub) cultural scene, and cannot just be so easily dismissed … thank you loophole!!! wohoooo

  31. Sebastian

    I played my first show at Loophole in 2014, and my last one in 2023. It was without a doubt my favourite place to play music live, and to watch local and visiting acts play.
    I couldn’t count how many nights full of conversation, dancing, meeting new people, and all round fun I have spent at Loophole. It was a very important feature in the community, for myself and for many others. I was truly sad to hear of its closure.

  32. Sara

    Loophole has been an incredibly valuable space for new artists and musicians to find their way in Berlin’s large cultural scene. They have provided a safe, friendly, and well equipped space for concerts and performances. I’ve spent many evenings at events at Loophole and as a musician have also performed on the stage there. It’s an absolute tragedy that this venue, which has served as an incubator for so many of Berlin’s artists, may no longer exist.

  33. 08/07/2024

    Loophole was one of my first introductions into the spirit of Berlin when I moved here. I had many memorable nights there, and I will never forget the welcome I received as an emerging artist. It is one of many precious venues that fully represent the city’s cultural openness and incredible variety, and all of these places must be protected and preserved from being turned into another dead piece of real-estate to speculate with. Loophole bleibt!

  34. Anonymous

    My first Live gig was at Loophole after a Meetup and talk with Female:Pressure members. I will never forget it!

  35. Jeremy Black

    Berlin will never be the same without it. Loophole is an essential part of the Berlin music scene.

  36. Anonymous

    best venue ever!

  37. Anonymous

    Great team and spirit !
    No chance to let it closed !

  38. Anonymous

    Thank you for this special comunity place to be creativ and for the warm hearted Atmosphere. Hope you will go on and find another location to built a new home for an international artist comunity in Berlin. It’s a shame how the power treated you. We stand with all of you and fight.🖤S.

  39. 07/07/2024

    I met my friend Julia (LeoBlue) there after years of not seing eachother and I saw her performance. Loved the vibe of the venue in all of its aspects. I was hopping to play there sometime! Unique space for underground artists 🩷

  40. 06/07/2024

    Als wir zum ersten Mal ins Loophole kamen, war die Bar noch ein altes Klavier. Jede Nacht konnte man da reinstolpern und wurde immer überrascht – nackte Frauen mit schwarzen Krähenflügeln, sirenenhaft singend und tanzend, Konzerte in denen ausschließlich auf alten Lampen gespielt wurde, es war völlig unberechenbar und wir haben es geliebt. Der Eintritt war (zumindest zu Beginn) selten über fünf Euro, ein Geschenk an die ganzen Pleitegeier wie mich und meine Freund:innen – wir waren in unseren Twenties so full of love but always out of money. Im Loophole hatte beides Platz. Hier sammelten sich die Gestrandeten, die Talentierten, die Unentdeckten, die Verlorenen, die Einsamen, die Verliebten… Mittendrin Jan Gryczan, der gewiefte Direktor dieses otherworldly Zirkus, die Seele, der Sozialarbeiter, der Star. Danke dir für alles. Für die verrückten Filme, die wir im Loophole drehen durften, die Boddinale, die Parties die wir schmissen, die Konzerte, die Küsse, die Nächte und die frühen Morgen… So wenig kontrollieren zu wollen, zu viel einfach zuzulassen… Wer traut sich das denn noch? Am Loophole habe ich Leuten erklärt, wie Berlin funktioniert: Da gibt es Räume, da darfst du einfach machen. Ein sehr einfaches Rezept: Brich den Asphalt auf und ein Grashalm wird wachsen. Jetzt wird der Asphalt geschlossen. Jetzt sind wir alle groß geworden und zahlen brav unsere Steuern an eine Stadt, in die wir uns nie verliebt hätten, hätte das Loophole uns damals nicht aufgenommen, gepäppelt und genährt. Es tut richtig, richtig weh.

  41. Federica

    Loophole was integral part of my life as musician and as music lover since it existed. I played countless time, with all my bands, I organized shows, I put on shows for bands on tour and they all felt so much at home there. It was always for me also a true embodiment of what DIY meant, and that having a DIY scene is like having a forest, you cannot seed it, it exist if you let people be. Then look around you, you see only forst, and not forest around you. Berlin have lost something precious and irreplaceable.

  42. Anonymous

    I played several at Loophole over the years. Last time it was organised by Kitchen legs. I love this place so much, as a performer and as concert goer.
    I have vivid memories of the walking dead mixing desk and the messy cables. I cried during soundchecks and laughed during shows because in the end it (kinda) always worked. I’ m very hangry with this shitty news and I’m very down to become a meat eater again if a greedy landlord bbq is organised.

  43. Anonymous

    Where do I start. I made friends, found new bands to love, was part of a zine launch, was inspired by short movies, sang my heart out at karaoke, and saw my friend get her shoe licked clean by a stranger in the cellar. There is also the mystery of a picture of us that magically got taped to the entrance that none of us can account for to this day.
    What a magical place that will be sorely missed.

  44. Anna

    Loophole was the first venue I went to when I moved to Berlin. Immediately fell in love with its concerts, its vibe and its crowd. I remember thinking one day I would love to play a concert there. I hope that can still happen… this place is a staple of Berlin culture. Loophole forever!

  45. Anonymous

    Loophole is an important part for emerging artist in Berlin. This venue is an opportunity to showcase one’s creativity and art.

  46. Isaac Hickey

    Loophole has played an essential role in shaping Berlins international arts community, in a way that is unmatched by any other venue in Berlin. For many musicians and artists, it has been the first point of call upon arriving in this city, due to its celebration of musical diversity and experimentation. It’s one of the few venues that is willing to take a chance on artists who deserve to be heard, but might not yet have a large local following. Any night of the week you could go to loophole without even knowing what would be happening there, but knowing that whatever happened you would experience something magical. My own musical projects would have probably never gotten off the ground if it weren’t for the good people at loophole giving us the space to perform. That’s not to mention the many friendships I’ve made within those walls over countless beautiful, chaotic, and blurry nights. I have tears in my eyes writing this. It is heartbreaking to know that loophole won’t be able to continue at its beloved original location that holds so many memories for so many people, but I think I speak for probably all of those people when I say that we want to see loophole continue in a new form at a new location where many more memories can be formed for many more years to come. Berlin is incomplete without loophole. Ok now I am straight up bawling my eyes out. LOOPHOLE FOREVER !!!!!!

  47. Leandro Viernes

    Places like Loophole MUST be preserved and supported by the public and cultural sector because of the great importance and impact it has on and for Berlin’s local underground culture. Places like Loophole are vital spaces for the artistic development and artistic identity of Berlin.

  48. Yuro

    Discovered this place almost at inception, one of the 3 fundamental venues of what I would call the Neukölln Triangle, the one you know you get in but you dunno if you get out. Despite the several changes in management and staff it was still one of the only venue where you’d feel the early wild raunchy accessible vibe. The shows and parties I’ve organized there until recently are also some of my dearest memories. We won’t let this slip away so easily.

  49. Anonymous

    I’m a teenager and I’ve only been here once, a few months ago, when my mom played at an improvisational concert with some other cool artists, but I found this place really fascinating, so it’s a shame I’ve never got to see more of it. My mom told me more about Loophole and its community and many of our friends are part of it in some way. I think that places like these are important to Berlin’s underground culture and have become home to many, so shutting them down is just downright evil – the stigma against alternative art is just a part of the bigger stigma against anything that’s different from the norm, so we should speak out and try to do something against it if we don’t want to lose Berlin’s colourful, multifaceted self. This scene is just as important to the new generation of artists as it it to the previous ones.

  50. Annalise Jaffe

    When I first arrived to Berlin as a tourist I was told to attend loophole on recommendation. From the moment I walked into the door I knew loophole was something special. The community and open heartedness of the staff and people in the bar was essential for me solidifying my love of Berlin. I later attended a DJ set By Psycho Jones. This set was some of the best dancing of my life! People felt free to express themselves in our joy and community and support each other and dance with each other with consent and joy. Places like these are essential to any city to make people feel like they belong and open in doors for self expression, something Berlin prides itself on.

  51. Anonymous

    Loophole is such an important safe and wild creative space that inspires and nurtures. If we lose Loophole, Berlin loses a spiritual womb.

  52. Anonymous

    i kissed my current partner for the first time in loophole!

  53. Siggi

    I’m shattered, this was my favourite place, where am I supposed to go now?
    Haveing the opportunity to go to gigs whenever you want was something no other place really offered, so many scenes were present is this dark, snuck, sweaty room and though it was hard to get a spot in their calendar it was a great space to start off your new project and book a gig when every other place said no. From jazz to punk to drag shows to video screenings to noise performances to dj sets you could see everything there. No other place let me discover so many new bands/artists and friends. I’m so glad I could be part of it.

  54. Keegan

    I visited loophole on a whim my first time in Berlin in 2022. There I encountered two individuals who completely changed my life from then onward, they took me and my friend around the city and told us all about the DIY scene, various underground communities, markets and activist groups. I learned so much from these two and although I have since lost their contact info, I think about them every day. Thank you Loophole for the serendipity, I hope to visit next time I’m in Berlin.

  55. Anonymous

    2€ beers. Basement hangs. Great staff and that iconic toilet. This is totally unnecessary and an attack on the culture in this town. Loophole will rise again.

  56. Anonymous

    Such a cool venue and still truly underground
    Berlin needs such spaces

  57. Anonymous

    Such a cool venue and still truly underground

  58. Anonymous

    Loophole is a treasure!

  59. Adam H

    Loophole has been a truly institutional location for amazing music, meeting wonderful people and growing the culture of Berlin. I have seen so many wonderful bands, some new or completely unknown to me that blew me away! It is a undeniable shame that one of the few local and community focused music venues in Berlin is supposedly closing. There are so little already and Loophole is a cornerstone of this. It wasn’t about the money or capitalism, it was about the people and the music. I have so many beautiful memories, have taken many photos of interesting people I’d have never met otherwise. Loophole and Berlin deserve better, if spaces such as Loophole are gone there is little character or soul left in Berlin.

  60. Lucas

    Loophole was the first time I played with my Band in Berlin. It has always been a place where every form of art had a chance.

  61. Sol

    I moved to Berlin in 2019 and managed to play there my first show with a very raw riot girl punk. So many friends showed up! 5 years later and same month I played with my current band and it was packed, again. Such a welcoming place. The celebration of our music and friendship. I will never forget those two memorable days. As an auslander I can say this place has always brought people together. I have seen incredible shows and talents, always a good Smokey time. true sense of community and diy from the team organising it with so much love. Happy to have experienced loophole. Forever in my heart.

  62. Anonymous

    A cornerstone of Neukölln, a haven for new and underground artists, but yeah let’s just shut it fucking down, we don’t want places like that in a place like Berlin.

  63. Anonymous

    Loophole helped me through the most difficult time of my life. In order not to be alone, I went there every night at that time, and I met so many wonderful people.

  64. Anonymous

    Loophole was my favourite spot in Berlin. I live close. I have been through some dark periods here, and I would walk to Loop on my own, sit at the bar and chat. Have a drink. Listen to whatever band was playing.
    It always made my heart lighter. I have made friends. Actual friends I trust.
    WIthout Loophole, Neukolln feels emptier. It’s a challenging time for Berlin’s underground and for the world’s in general, but I refuse to give in. Fortunately, a lot of us do.
    It’s sad to see the fight for survival has become a fight between “us and them”, whatever that means.
    But the underground can never be killed. It always crawls back up.

    Time and time again, we crawl back up.

  65. Anonymous

    Met my partner there, she doesn’t remember … good times!

  66. Anonymous

    Loophole was crazy, for a lot of artitst there starting point, i remeber the we ( lucieandthesluts) played 3 shows there, two got stuck in my mind newyears with amor and out last show.
    Greets Michl, hoping that everything goes well!!!

  67. Anonymous

    Loophole was one of my favourite places in all of berlin (in the whole world). I will forever cherish the countless drunken, sweaty nights full of music and love. There is no place like loophole </3

  68. Anonymous

    The last time I was in Loophole (nearly a year ago now) I was performing for the second time. The day before our gig I had found out that my partner and I (who I also performed with) were expecting our first child.

    Our friends filled the room, we shared vulnerable moments within our music, and although the small creature growing inside me was just a few small cells at that point, as I was performing I was thinking of one day showing my child photos and videos of this concert, singing them the songs we performed there and telling them they were on my mind throughout the whole thing, they were there and it’s was part of them.

    I was wondering if these small cells that would become our child could feel the nerves and the rush and the love we felt in that performance…

    It was a truly profound moment for me, Loophole I’d so much more than a venue, it’s so much more than community, it’s a truly special place that holds so much importance to so many.

    It cannot be goodbye just yet

  69. Anonymous

    Entering Loophole felt like a different realm. One of the few places that always welcomed you warm-hearted and let you feel like it’s okay to be you. With its closing, a big piece of what made Berlin a great place for me is gone. I can’t believe it. Loophole, you will be missed!

  70. R

    Entering Loophole felt like a different realm. One of the few places that always welcomed you warm-hearted and let you feel like it’s okay to be you. With its closing, a big piece of what made Berlin a great place for me is gone. I can’t believe it. Loophole, you will be missed!

  71. Anonymous

    Our first official gig at all for Los Baby Jaguars! Thanks guys for giving us the oportunity to start playing live. That night was a blast, the bar was full and the environmet couldnt be better. The beginning of a beautiful period for us. Many thanks and best wishes!!

  72. Teun

    Loophole was the only real community venue for music and other performing arts in Neukölln. Uncommercial, welcome to anyone, and a hatching ground for new projects. The value it had to the city of Berlin was unique and incontestable. On a personal note, it has been a second home to me for many years. Keep going like this, Berlin, and we’ll end up like Frankfurt.

  73. Anonymous

    What’s Berlin without underground and cultural venues?
    Why people that has nothing to do with art and music moves to Berlin?
    Berlin became another gentrified city 🙁
    Together we’re stronger!

  74. Hjalmar

    It’s a shame that Loophole has closed, and that places like this, which promote music and culture, keep shutting down. These are what ultimately give life to a city like Berlin. Get hipster snobs out of the cities. Long live Loophole!

  75. Anonymous

    Loophole was one of the first locations in Berlin where i had the chance to perform and meet like minded people. I also saw awesome concerts and film screenings. Loophole was an rare, vibrant and important independet institution for the underground art community. It will be a huge lost for Berlin if they dont find a new location.

  76. 06/07/2024

    I discovered Loophole around 2015 and was hooked from the start. I left my hometown for Berlin in 2012 precisely because it no longer had such subculture places to offer. Over the years, I enjoyed countless inspiring, surprising and innovative artists and concerts at Loophole.
    What I also want to emphasize: At the age of 60, I was still a regular guest until the venue’s unfortunate and incomprehensible closure. And even though I was almost three times as old as the average audience, I always felt right at home and met lots of interesting and nice people while chatting. For me, the Loophole was an alternative living room with a diverse and extremely stimulating live program. What happened now is a crying shame and against everything that defines Berlin. For me personally, it is the loss of a save space that allowed me to live out my love of music in a carefree way without feeling out of place. I will miss Loophole sorely!

  77. Anonymous

    Stay strong!

  78. Angela Etc

    Loophole has supported underground music and art from the very begining, which is crucial for Berlin’s identity. It needs to stay!

  79. Bindy/shuudr

    Loophole is just the best! A cozy warm place to welcome everyone, a stage for countless upcoming new artists, a second home to many and a cultural cornerstone of the berlin music scene!

  80. Julius

    This place is so so so so great. Please stay!

  81. Loophole was one of the first venues I ever visited in Berlin, and then I was lucky enough to play there too. It was one of the few places that felt accessible as a small or emerging artist; somewhere where you didn’t need to have a big following in order to have an amazing night. These spaces are so integral to the artistic health of this cityz

  82. Von Liz

    There is no independent venue more fair when it comes to paying artists for playing.
    Loophole is vital for Berlin.
    One of the few places in this capital where you feel you can go to see some new bands on your own and have a great night.

  83. Martina

    Liebes Loopholeteam, ich will es gar nicht glauben, dass diese schöne Zeit mit euch vorbei ist. Zu euch bin ich oft auf dem Heimweg noch vorbeigekommen, habe geschaut, was es gibt und wurde immer positiv überrascht es war immer eine gute Idee zu gehen, selbst wenn ich eigentlich müde war. Das Loophole war die einzige Location, in die ich regelmäßig und gerne alleine tanzen gegangen bin (oder auch mit Freund*innen). Das lag an der schönen offenen, familiären Atmosphäre. Und ständig bin ich in neue musikalische Welten eingetaucht, mein Favorit war die Goth Nacht letzten Monat, aber das Spektrum war beeindruckend (Punk, Disco, Rock, Techno,…). Ich habe im Loophole zwei sehr gute Freunde gefunden, mit dem einen spiele ich jetzt jede Woche in einer Band. Eigentlich wollten wir irgendwann bei euch spielen, um unsere Freundschaft, die durch das Loophole entstanden ist, zu feiern. Ich kann euch nur danken, für die vielen so unterschiedlichen, aber immer schönen Abende bei euch. Und ich hoffe so sehr, dass ihr einen neuen Ort findet! Liebe Grüße, Martina

  84. 06/07/2024

    A rare place where strangers were welcome. The music was always authentic and unconventional. The venue offers the raw and uncommercial events which feed creative minds both inside and outside of the creative sector, on a local and global scale. The essence of Berlin is threatened by the closing of such a venue. Berlin is world reknown for underground culture, and every such shrine to the human spirit should be protected as her treasures.

  85. Anonymous

    Loophole was one of the few venues in Berlin giving a platform and pushing new, exciting artist. It’s an absolute tradegy that it has to close because of some neighbours that weren’t even there as long as the venue.

  86. Anonymous


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